Link to WL's Google Scholar profile

Book & varia


  1. Towards experimental demonstration of quantum position verification using true single photons
    Kirsten Kanneworff, Mio Poortvliet, Dirk Bouwmeester, Rene Allerstorfer, Philip Verduyn Lunel, Florian Speelman, Harry Buhrman, Petr Steindl, Wolfgang Löffler
  2. Direct measurement of darkness using a standard single-photon avalanche photodiode
    T. H. A. van der Reep, D. Molenaar, W. Löffler
    arXiv:2410.06691, Data: zenodo.13951375
  3. Observation of the Talbot effect from a surface acoustic wave dynamic grating
    M. Fisicaro, Y. C. Doedes, T. A. Steenbergen, M. P. van Exter, W. Löffler
  4. Reply to comment on 'Spatial Coherence and Optical Beam Shifts'
    W. Löffler, A. Aiello, and J.P. Woerdman
    Phys. Rev. Lett., accepted, Arxiv:1403.2164

Articles in regular journals

  1. Imaging transverse modes in a gigahertz surface-acoustic-wave cavity
    M. Fisicaro, T. A. Steenbergen, Y. C. Doedes, K. Heeck, W. Löffler
    Phys. Rev. Applied 23, 014032 (2025), ArXiv:2408.11630
  2. Picosecond laser pulses for quantum dot–microcavity-based single-photon generation by cascaded electro-optic modulation of a narrow-linewidth laser
    Mio Poortvliet, Petr Steindl, Ilse Kuijf, Harry Visser, Arno van Amersfoort, Wolfgang Löffler
    Phys. Rev. Applied 23, 014017 (2025), ArXiv:2408.08213
  3. Active stabilization of an open-access optical microcavity for low-noise operation in a standard closed-cycle cryostat
    M. Fisicaro, M. Witlox, H. van der Meer, W. Löffler
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 033101 (2024), Arxiv:2308.02545
  4. Pixel super-resolution interference pattern sensing via the aliasing effect for laser frequency metrology
    Lipeng Wan, Tianbao Yu, Daomu Zhao, Wolfgang Löffler
    Laser & Photonics Reviews 17, 2200994 (2023), Arxiv:2212.09373
  5. Resonant two-laser spin-state spectroscopy of a negatively charged quantum dot-microcavity system with a cold permanent magnet
    P. Steindl, T. van der Ent, H. van der Meer, J.A. Frey, J. Norman, J.E. Bowers, D. Bouwmeester, W. Löffler
    Phys. Rev. Applied 20, 014026 (2023), Arxiv:2303.02763
  6. Cross-polarization extinction enhancement and spin-orbit coupling of light for quantum-dot cavity-QED spectroscopy
    P. Steindl, J.A. Frey, J. Norman, J.E. Bowers, D. Bouwmeester, W. Löffler
    Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 064082 (2023), Arxiv:2302.05359
  7. Quantum detector tomography applied to the human visual system: a feasibility study
    T.H.A. van der Reep, D. Molenaar, W. Löffler, Y. Pinto
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 40, 285 (2023), Arxiv:2209.06693
  8. Realignment-free cryogenic macroscopic optical cavity coupled to an optical fiber
    Vitaly Fedoseev, Matteo Fisicaro, Harmen van der Meer, Wolfgang Löffler, Dirk Bouwmeester
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93, 013103 (2022), Arxiv:2301.06609
  9. Theoretical proposal for the experimental realisation of a monochromatic electromagnetic knot
    R. P. Cameron, W. Löffler, K. D. Stephan
    J. Opt. 23, 064006 (2021), Arxiv:2101.10108
  10. Artificial Coherent States of Light by Multiphoton Interference in a Single-Photon Stream
    P. Steindl, H. Snijders, G. Westra, E. Hissink, K. Iakovlev, S. Polla, J. A. Frey, J. Norman, A. C. Gossard, J. E. Bowers, D. Bouwmeester, W. Löffler
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 143601 (2021), Arxiv:2010.15471
  11. Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage in Optomechanics
    Vitaly Fedoseev, Fernando Luna, Ian Hedgepeth, Wolfgang Löffler, Dirk Bouwmeester
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 113601 (2021), Arxiv:1911.11464
  12. Extended polarized semiclassical model for quantum-dot cavity QED and its application to single-photon sources
    H.J. Snijders, D.N.L. Kok, M.F. van de Stolpe, J. A. Frey, J. Norman, A. C. Gossard, J. E. Bowers, M.P. van Exter, D. Bouwmeester, W. Löffler
    Phys. Rev. A 101, 053811 (2020), Arxiv:1811.10571, Code: zenodo.3476660
  13. Optimal optomechanical coupling strength in multimembrane systems
    David C. Newsom, Fernando Luna, Vitaly Fedoseev, Wolfgang Löffler, Dirk Bouwmeester
    Phys. Rev. A 101, 033829 (2020), Arxiv:1909.11384
  14. Probing interacting two-level systems with rare-earth ions
    Dapeng Ding, David van Driel, Lino M. C. Pereira, Jared F. Bauters, Martijn J. R. Heck, Gesa Welker, Michiel J. A. de Dood, André Vantomme, John E. Bowers, Wolfgang Löffler, Dirk Bouwmeester
    Phys. Rev. B 101, 014209 (2020), Arxiv:1811.05248
  15. Electro-optic polarization tuning of microcavities with a single quantum dot
    J. A. Frey, H. J. Snijders, J. Norman, A. C. Gossard, J. E. Bowers, W. Löffler, D. Bouwmeester
    Opt. Lett. 43, 4280 (2018), Arxiv:1805.03387
  16. Observation of the Unconventional Photon Blockade
    H.J. Snijders, J. A. Frey, J. Norman, H. Flayac, V. Savona, A. C. Gossard, J. E. Bowers, M. P. van Exter, D. Bouwmeester, W. Löffler
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 043601 (2018), Editors suggestion: A Double Take on Unconventional Photon Blockade", Arxiv:1803.10992
  17. Strong Thermo-mechanical Squeezing in a far detuned Membrane-in-the-middle System
    Sameer Sonar, Vitaly Fedoseev, Matthew Weaver, Fernando Luna, Elger Vlieg, Harmen van der Meer, Dirk Bouwmeester, Wolfgang Löffler
    Phys. Rev. A 98, 013804 (2018), Arxiv:1805.09897
  18. Phonon Interferometry for Measuring Quantum Decoherence
    Matthew J. Weaver, David Newsom, Fernando Luna, Wolfgang Löffler, Dirk Bouwmeester
    Phys. Rev. A 97, 063832 (2018), Editors suggestion, Arxiv:1802.08399
  19. A fiber coupled cavity QED source of identical single photons
    H. J. Snijders, J. A. Frey, J. Norman, V. P. Post, A. C. Gossard, J. E. Bowers, M. P. van Exter, W. Löffler, D. Bouwmeester
    Phys. Rev. Applied (Letter) 9, 031002 (2018), Arxiv:1705.05876
  20. Scattering media characterization with phase-only wavefront modulation
    F. Mariani, W. Löffler, M. Aas, O. S. Ojambati, P. Hong, W. L. Vos, and M. P. van Exter
    Opt. Express 26, 2369 (2018)
  21. Purification of a single photon nonlinearity
    H. Snijders, J. A. Frey, J. Norman, M. P. Bakker, E. C. Langman, A. Gossard, J. E. Bowers, M. P. van Exter, D. Bouwmeester, W. Löffler
    Nat. Commun. 7, 12578 (2016), Arxiv:1604.00479
  22. Observation of Four-photon orbital angular momentum entanglement
    B. C. Hiesmayr, M. J. A. de Dood, and W. Löffler
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 073601 (2016), Editor's suggestion "Entangled Quadruplet", Arxiv:1508.01480
  23. Homodyne detection of coherence and phase shift of a quantum dot in a cavity
    M. P. Bakker, H. Snijders, W. Löffler, A. V. Barve, L. A. Coldren, D. Bouwmeester, M. P. van Exter
    Opt. Lett. 40, 3173 (2015)
  24. Quantum dot nonlinearity through cavity-enhanced feedback with a charge memory
    M. P. Bakker, T. Ruytenberg, W. Löffler, A. V. Barve, L. Coldren, M. P. van Exter, D. Bouwmeester
    Phys. Rev. B 91, 241305(R) (2015), Arxiv:1503.08142
  25. Polarization degenerate solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamics
    M. P. Bakker, A. Barve, T. Ruytenberg, W. Löffler, L. A. Coldren, D. Bouwmeester, M. P. van Exter
    Phys. Rev. B 91, 115319 (2015), Arxiv:1503.08071
  26. The Role of Spatial Coherence and Orbital Angular Momentum of Light in Astronomy
    D. Hetharia, M. P. van Exter, W. Löffler
    Phys. Rev. A 90, 063801 (2014), Arxiv:1404.6404
  27. An experiment on the shifts of reflected C-lines
    W. Löffler, J. F. Nye, J. Hannay
    J. Opt. 16, 085703 (2014), Arxiv:1402.2917 (2014)
    on the cover of J. Opt., IOP featured article, see also IOP Labtalk article
  28. Eigenpolarizations for Giant Transverse Optical Beam Shifts
    J. B. Götte, W. Löffler, M. R. Dennis
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 233901 (2014), Arxiv:1401.5505 (2014)
  29. Mutually Unbiased Bases and Bound Entanglement
    B. C. Hiesmayr and W. Löffler
    Phys. Scr. T160, 014017 (2014), Arxiv:1309.2271
  30. Walsh modes and radial quantum correlations of spatially entangled photons
    D. Geelen and W. Löffler
    Opt. Lett. 38, 4108 (2013)
  31. Complementarity Reveals Bound Entanglement of Two Twisted Photons
    B. C. Hiesmayr and W. Löffler
    New J. Phys. 15, 083036 (2013), Arxiv:1212.5046
  32. Beyond catoptrics
    J. Götte, M. Hentschel, and W. Löffler
    J. Opt. 15, 010301 (2013)
  33. Total internal reflection of orbital angular momentum beams
    W. Löffler, N. Hermosa, A. Aiello, and J.P. Woerdman
    J. Opt. 15, 014012 (2013), Arxiv:1208.4261
  34. Spatial Coherence and Optical Beam Shifts
    W. Löffler, A. Aiello, and J.P. Woerdman
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 213901 (2012), on the cover of PRL, Arxiv:1207.4364
  35. Instability of higher-order optical vortices analyzed with a multi-pinhole interferometer
    F. Ricci, W. Löffler, M. P. van Exter
    Opt. Express 20, 22961 (2012)
  36. Observation of OAM sidebands due to optical reflection
    W. Löffler, A. Aiello, and J.P. Woerdman
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 113602 (2012), Arxiv:1204.4003
  37. Full-Field Quantum Correlations of Spatially Entangled Photons
    V. D. Salakhutdinov, E. R. Eliel, and W. Löffler
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 173604 (2012),Arxiv:1204.5758
  38. Fiber Transport of Spatially Entangled Photons
    W. Löffler, T. G. Euser, E. R. Eliel, M. Scharrer, P. St.J. Russell, and J.P. Woerdman
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 240505 (2011)
    Featured in: June, 30 (2011) by Miranda Marquit
  39. Search for Hermite-Gauss mode rotation in cholesteric liquid crystals
    W. Löffler, M. P. van Exter, G. W. 't Hooft, G. Nienhuis, D.J. Broer, and J.P. Woerdman
    Opt. Express 19, 12978 (2011)
  40. Circular dichroism of cholesteric polymers and the orbital angular momentum of light
    W. Löffler, D.J. Broer, and J.P. Woerdman
    Phys. Rev. A 83, 065801 (2011)
  41. Polarization-dependent Goos–Hänchen shift at a graded dielectric interface
    W. Löffler, M.P. van Exter, G.W. 't Hooft, E.R. Eliel, K. Hermans, D.J. Broer and J.P. Woerdman
    Opt. Commun. 283, 3367 (2010)
  42. Doping and optimal electron spin polarization in n-ZnMnSe for quantum-dot spin-injection light-emitting diodes
    W. Löffler, N. Höpcke, H. Kalt, S. F. Li, M. Grün, and M. Hetterich
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 052113 (2010)
  43. Far-field observation of the radial profile of visible whispering-gallery modes in a single microdisk based on Si-nanocrystal/SiO2 superlattices
    Se-Young Seo, Rong-Jun Zhang, Wolfgang Löffler, Heinz Kalt, Kyung Joong Kim, and Margit Zacharias
    J. Appl. Phys. 106, 123102 (2009)
  44. Spin-polarization dynamics in InGaAs quantum dots during pulsed electrical spin-injection
    P. Asshoff, W. Löffler, J. Zimmer, H. Füser, H. Flügge, H. Kalt, and M. Hetterich
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 202105 (2009).
    Selected for the Nov. 30, 2009 issue of:
    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
  45. Determination of critical thickness for defect formation of CdSe/ZnSe heterostructures by transmission electron microscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy
    D. Litvinov, M. Schowalter, A. Rosenauer, B. Daniel, J. Fallert, W. Löffler, H. Kalt, M. Hetterich
    Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 205, 2892 (2008).
  46. Electrical Spin Injection into Single InGaAs Quantum Dots
    M. Hetterich, W. Löffler, P. Aßhoff, T. Passow, D. Litvinov, D. Gerthsen, H. Kalt
    Advances in Solid State Physics 48, 103 (2009).
  47. Spin-polarized excitonic emission from single quantum dots after electrical injection
    W. Löffler, M. Hetterich, C. Mauser, S. Li, J. Leuthold, H. Kalt
    Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 245, 1102 (2008).
  48. GaAs pyramids on GaAs/AlAs DBRs as alternative microcavities
    M. Karl, F.M. Weber, J. Lupaca-Schomber, S. Li, T. Passow, W. Löffler, H. Kalt, M. Hetterich
    Superlattices and Microstructures {bf 43}, 635-638 (2008).
  49. Parallel preparation of highly spin-polarized electrons in single InAs/GaAs quantum dots
    W. Löffler, M. Hetterich, C. Mauser, S. Li, T. Passow, H. Kalt
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 232105 (2007).
    Selected for the June 2007 issue of:
    Virtual Journal of Quantum Information
    Selected for the June 18, 2007 issue of:
    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
  50. Optical modes in pyramidal GaAs microcavities
    F.M. Weber, M. Karl, J. Lupaca-Schomber, W. Löffler, S. Li, T. Passow, J. Hawecker, D. Gerthsen, H. Kalt, M. Hetterich
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 161104 (2007).
    Featured in:
    Nature Photonics 1, 317 (2007), News & Views.
    Selected for the April 30, 2007 issue of:
    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
  51. Localized and delocalized modes in coupled optical micropillar cavities
    M. Karl, S. Li, T. Passow, W. Löffler, H. Kalt, M. Hetterich
    Optics Express 15, 8191 (2007).
  52. Invited: Electrical spin injection into InGa(N)As quantum structures and single InGaAs quantum dots
    7th Int. Conf. on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter, Winston-Salem, NC, USA (EXCON 2006)
    M. Hetterich, W. Löffler, J. Fallert, N. Höpcke, H. Burger, T. Passow, S. Li, B. Daniel, B. Ramadout, J. Lupaca-Schomber, J. Hetterich, D. Litvinov, D. Gerthsen, C. Klingshirn, H. Kalt
    upgraded to regular paper
    Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 243, 3812 (2006).
  53. Electrical spin injection from ZnMnSe into InGaAs quantum wells and quantum dots
    W. Löffler, D. Tröndle, J. Fallert, H. Kalt, D. Litvinov, D. Gerthsen, J. Lupaca-Schomber, T. Passow, B. Daniel, J. Kvietkova, M. Grün, C. Klingshirn, M. Hetterich
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 062105 (2006).
    Selected for the February 20, 2006 issue of:
    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
  54. Molecular beam epitaxy of phase pure cubic InN
    J. Schörmann, D.J. As, K. Lischka, P. Schley, R. Goldhahn, S. F. Li, W. Löffler, M. Hetterich, H. Kalt
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 261903 (2006).

Colloquium and seminar talks (selection)

  1. IPAQS webinar Heriot-Watt, Scotland (October 2020)
  2. QuSoft / CWI Amsterdam (February 2019)
  3. QuTech Delft (September 2018)
  4. Paris, France (March 2018)
    CNRS-C2N Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  5. Groningen, Netherlands (January 2017)
    Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
  6. Konstanz, Germany (January 2017)
    University of Konstanz, Department of Physics
  7. Bath, UK (January 2016)
    University of Bath, Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials
  8. Berlin, Germany (December 2015)
    HU Berlin, department of physics
  9. Eindhoven, Netherlands (August 2015)
    TU Eindhoven, Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics
  10. Delft, Netherlands (May 2015)
    TU Delft, Imaging Physics
  11. Santa Barbara, California (February 2015)
    UCSB, Condensed Matter Experimental Physics
  12. Delft, Netherlands (July 2014)
    TU Delft, Optics Research Group
  13. Erlangen, Germany (November 2013)
    Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
  14. Twente, Netherlands (May 2013)
    Complex photonics systems
  15. Glasgow, UK. (June 2012)
    The School of Physics and Astronomy, Optics Group
  16. Karlsruhe, Germany (May 2012)
    Institute of Applied Physics
  17. Erlangen, Germany (May 2012)
    Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
  18. Madrid, Spain (March 2012)
    Electromagnetism and Fundamental Physics group at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  19. Leiden, Netherlands (December 2011)
    Joan van der Waals Colloquium
  20. Bristol, UK (March 2010)
    Theoretical Physics institute
  21. Berlin, Germany (2006)
    Minisymposium Nano Optics 2006, Zuse Institute Berlin

  1. Quantum hardware for quantum networks, Photons and Spins
    Quantum Software Consortium Training Day, virtual (2020)
  2. Solid-state cavity QED
    LION Summer School: Modern Physics at all Scales, Leiden University (2019)
  3. Solid-state cavity QED
    LION Summer School: Modern Physics at all Scales, Leiden University (2018)
  4. Semiconductor quantum photonics
    LION Summer School: Modern Physics at all Scales, Leiden University (2017)
  5. Quantum Optics and Cavity-QED
    W. Löffler
    Summer school on quantum information, University of Campinas (BR) (2016)
  6. Scattering of twisted light by helical matter
    W. Löffler
    Eureka magazine, Nummer 31, 6 (2011).